Search free text

Elasticsearch’s features make it easy for you to search natural language text in a language-aware way. It parses natural language text, applies stemming, stop words, and synonyms to make text matches better. And has a built-in notion of scoring and sorting that brings the best results to the top.

The sample data includes a plot field with short descriptions of the movies. This field is processed as natural language text. You can search it by entering the following query:

GET movies/_search
    "query": {
        "match": {
            "title": "star man"
    "_source": "title"

You’ll see that you get a mix of movies, including Star Wars, Star Trek, and a couple of others. By default the match query uses a union (OR) of the terms from the query, so only one term is required to match. You could change the query to be a bool query and force both star and man to match. Let’s instead experiment with the scoring.

GET movies/_search
    "query": {
        "function_score": {
            "query": {
                "match": {
                    "title": "star man"
            "functions": [
                    "exp": {
                        "year": {
                            "origin": "1977",
                            "scale": "1d",
                            "decay": 0.5
                    "script_score": {
                        "script": "_score * doc['rating'].value / 100"
            "score_mode": "replace"

You’ve added an exponential decay function, centered on the year 1977. You’ve also used a script to multiply Elasticsearch’s base score by a factor of each document’s rating. This brings Star Wars to the top and sorts the rest of the movies mostly by their release date.